You are here: Working with folders > Deleting and undeleting documents and folders

Deleting and undeleting documents and folders

Deleting a document or folder removes it from view. However, it does not remove it permanently from the vault. The item can be restored to its original location, similar to restoring files from the Windows Recycle Bin. The difference is that Meridian does not store all deleted documents in one location but rather tracks deleted documents according to their parent folder.


To delete a document or folder:

  1. Right-click the document or folder that you want to delete, point to Edit and then click Delete or Folder, respectively. A confirmation dialog box appears.
  2. Click OK. The document is deleted.


  1. Select the document or folder that you want to delete.
  2. For a document, In the Edit ribbon, in the Organize group, click Delete. A confirmation dialog box appears.

    For a folder, In the Folder ribbon, in the Action group, click Delete Folder. A confirmation dialog box appears.

  3. Click OK. The document or folder is deleted.

To undelete a document or folder:

  1. Right-click the folder from where the document was deleted, point to Folder, and then click Undelete. The Deleted folders and documents dialog box appears.
  2. Select the items that you want to undelete.
  3. Click Undelete. The items are restored.


  1. Select the folder from where the document was deleted.
  2. In the Folder ribbon, in the Action group, click Undelete. The Deleted folders and documents dialog box appears.
  3. Select the items that you want to undelete.
  4. Click Undelete. The items are restored.

To delete a document or folder:

To undelete a document or folder:

  1. Select the parent folder of the item that was deleted.
  2. On the Document or Folder menu, select Undelete. The Deleted Folders and Documents dialog box appears, listing items that have been deleted from the selected folder but have not yet been purged from the vault.
  3. Select the item you want to restore and click Undelete.
  4. Click Close. The item is restored to its original location.